Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Trent University

Trent University is located in Peterborough, Canada. This is a lively, medium-sized city in the state of Ontario and a half hours from Toronto. It is a young, innovative university where the teachers have a lot of personal attention to you. If you want to study in the vicinity of a large city on a not too large university, Trent University is definitely for you. 

Why study at Trent University? 
At Trent University, you get education in small classes and organized. Numerous activities Trent University invests heavily in its internationalization of university curricula. The campus is the largest in Canada. 

Trent University offers courses in many disciplines. 

Facts & Figures 
Number of students: 7.000 
Number of international students: 600 from 100 countries 

Yann Martel, schrijfer of the book Life of Pi in 2002, the Man Booker Prize for Fictionwon, studied philosophy at Trent University.

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